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5 danger signs "Bladder stones"

5 danger signs “Bladder stones”

The other day I just saw a friend on Facebook post that he was in the hospital. Inquiring about the disease “Bladder stones ,” he also said The doctor said that it is quite common among working people. It also occurs in all genders and all ages. It’s no longer possible.

12 Danger Signs Hormonal imbalance

12 Danger Signs Hormonal imbalance

Various abnormal symptoms that makes us uncomfortable Pain here. causing the quality of life to decrease But you may not be able to find out what the cause is. In fact, it may be caused by a condition. “Hormonal are not balanced” because hormones are like chemicals that communicate to

7 danger signs “Breast cancer”

7 danger signs “Breast cancer”

Breast cancer  is the leading cancer. that kills many Thai women in a year But if you always know how to observe your own body. You will know that your body has sent out some signals that indicate something is wrong with your body. Cause of birth “Breast cancer” is